We are so excited that you are excited about helping lead worship on Wednesday nights!
Our Worship experiences have been so energy packed and exciting.
To help assist Dan our worship leader we will need you to fill out the form to be put on the list for leading worship.
Once you have filled out the form Dan will contact you and let you know when you can lead and what time he will need
to show up so you can practice with him ahead of time.
Thank you for helping us get things organized, soon we will have more microphones in the system so more than one will
be able to lead on a given Wednesday night!
Our Worship experiences have been so energy packed and exciting.
To help assist Dan our worship leader we will need you to fill out the form to be put on the list for leading worship.
Once you have filled out the form Dan will contact you and let you know when you can lead and what time he will need
to show up so you can practice with him ahead of time.
Thank you for helping us get things organized, soon we will have more microphones in the system so more than one will
be able to lead on a given Wednesday night!