Looking for some summer time nights with your Sweetheart?
Finding it hard to find Baby Sitters with town so busy? Look No further! CCAspen Youth has you covered! DATE NIGHT! You bring your wonderful children to us and you and your sweetheart head out for a wonderful night! What's in the PackageChild care will be provided from 5:00-11:00pm
Pizza and or Mac and cheese dinner provided for children. Child care will be provided for children 2-11 years of age Your child will experience dinner, fun games, movie time Love and care from XGT & Revloution (middle school & high school students and leaders) The cost is $10.00 a child per hour with a sibling discount! $10.00 an hour but if you have more than one child the other siblings will be $5.00 an hour. What a Deal! A Bargain rate for you and your sweetheart to have some time together! Date Night events are being brought to you to help raise money for middle school and high school students attending our 2019 Missions Trip. Our goal is to raise enough money to greatly subsidize the cost of the trip. Date Night Event Dates
Alone Time TogetherYou don't have to break the bank to have a special night together. Just enjoy our town, our hiking trails and biking trails. You make the call but get away and just be alone together.
Plan A Quite Night At HomeWhen you have children you are really never alone at home. So drop the kids off and plan a quite night at home no interruptions just you and your sweetheart.
Get A Group Of Friends TogetherConnect and grow with friends over a nice dinner or hike. Have your friends use the Date Night Service and your children and your friends children will enjoy their time as well.
Plan a Party!Invite all of your friends, plan a smashing party and let all of your guest know about the Date Night Service. Have a fabulous time, and leave the child care to us. Your friends will thank you!